Cao Guimarães was born in 1965 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil He studied philosophy at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and completed a Masters of Arts in Photographic Studies at Westminster University of London. He currently works with various media, such as film and plastic arts. Since the end of the 1980s he has been showing his work at various museums and galleries such as the Guggenheim Museum of New York (his film “Sopro” (Blow) is part of the collection), Mori Museum in Tokyo, La Caja Negra in Madrid and in bienniels such as the 25th International Bienniel of São Paulo, Insite Bienniel 2005 in San Diego/Tijuana, among others.
At the end of the 1990s he began to make cinema, mainly documentaries and experimental films. Guimarães has just finished his fifth feature film “Andarilho” (“Drifter”). His films have participated in various film festivals and been awarded in several– Locarno International Film Festival 2004 with the film “Rua de Mão Dupla” (Two Way Street), International Documentary Festival of Amsterdam – IDFA with the film “A Alma do Osso” (The Soul of the Bone), It’s All True – International Documentary Film Festival in 2001, 2004 and 2005, awarded 3 times with the films “O Fim do Sem Fim” (The End of the Neverending), “A Alma do Osso” and “Da Janela do Meu Quarto” (From the Window of my Room), Cinema du Réel - Festival at the George Pompidou in Paris in 2005, Cannes Festival in 2005, among others.
Drifter is the fifth feature documentary film by Brazilian filmmaker and visual artist Cao Guimaraes. The film makes connections between walking and thinking through the journey of three lonely drifters on the rural roads of northeastern Brazil. In their constant wandering, Valdemar, Nercino and Paulao establish very personal relationships with an essentially transitory world. With no defined objective, they nevertheless pursue the goal of everlasting transience, as the three characters blend with the sounds and images of ephemeral objects and beings. With an incredible visual beauty and attention to cinematic craft, Drifter is an inspiring meditation on life-lived-in-the-present, while it observes each passing moment with awe and reverence. Drifter was an official selection of the 64th Venice Film Festival, in 2007.

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