Plot Summary:
Noel Coward's attempt to show how the ordinary people lived between the wars. Just after WWI the Gibbons family moves to a nice house in the suburbs. An ordinary sort of life is led by the family through the years with average number of triumphs and disasters until the outbreak of WWII.
"It is clear that Noel Coward wrote This Happy Breed primarily for to be performed on the stage. However, this is not to undermine the screen adaptation of This Happy Breed. I think the only reason why the play works so well as a film is due to none other than the genius of director Sir David Lean. Without ever detracting from the intended interpretation of a play or a book - such as Oliver Twist (1948), -Sir David is not only adept at capturing atmosphere,but his focus on character permits the viewer to examine an individual as if s/he were being looked through a microscope.
In This Happy Breed the characters are all individuals, albeit as members of one family unit, whose struggles of coping with everyday life are made difficult by the social changes which are taking place in their midst. It seems that these social changes make some members of the family angry and bitter as portrayed by the mother-in-law characters' acid comments and constant nit-picking. Meanwhile the character of Reg gets caught up in the the politics of the far left, leaving him at odds with his Dad, and his more 'acceptable' political views. Meanwhile Queenie is the strongest character of all. Because no members of the family appears to understand Queenie, least of all her parents who put her aspirations and ambitions down to being spoiled as a child, she has to run away, albeit with a married man, who eventually lets her down. This disappointment probably left Queenie weak and vulnerable, and thereby she eventually conforms to convention by marrying the boy next door, who she doesn't really love at all. By conforming to convention Queenie is accepted back into her family, because now her conformity made them feel safe as one family unit again. I wonder just how many other women can identify with Queenie!
All in all an excellent film which deserves no less than 10 out of 10, thanks to Sir David Lean in particular!"

"Anyone with any sense knows all about the injustice of some people having a lot and other people having nothing at all, but where you make the mistake is blaming it all on systems and governments. You have to go deeper than that to find the cause of most of the troubles in this world. And when you’ve had a good look you’ll see likely as not that good old human nature’s at the bottom of the whole thing."
pw: snoozer
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