Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gotham City Will Move To New Orleans Starting In April

We reported back in August that Warner Bros. was considering shifting the majority of principal photograph on Batman 3 to New Orleans, abandoning Chicago after filming the majority of the first two films there. Now Superhero Hype has confirmed the rumor, adding that shooting is set to begin down South starting in April.

New Orleans won't be the only location, which means they might return to Chicago for long enough that we don't even notice the location switch. It's no surprise to see Warner Bros. returning to Louisiana, a state with significant tax credits for film production, but I admit, I'm a little bummed that some of the Chicago-based authenticity of the Batman films will be lost. Maybe the city was so burned out by the endless explosions and disasters on the Transformers: The Dark of the Moon set that they just couldn't handle more giant film productions. Or maybe Warner Bros. is just saving some money by sticking around in New Orleans. Pick your answer.


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