If there's one thing that all 3D movie-going audience members can agree upon, it's that 3D glasses suck. They've certainly improved over the years (at least we're past the point of red and blue lenses), but they're still cheap, disposable hunks of plastic that are a pain in the ass to wear for two hours. Now, if you have the money, you can do something to change that.
Oakley Sunglasses has announced that in honor of Tron: Legacy's release this December they will be releasing a new line of special edition 3D glasses. According to the release, the company worked alongside Disney to develop the glasses so that the wearer can have the optimal Tron experience. In addition to the special graphics, the glasses have features that include a lens curvature that increases the range of vision and a "Three-Point-Fit" design that will allow the glasses to stay in place without the audience member getting uncomfortable.
Sounds great, right? Well, there is a glitch: the glasses cost $150 and as many have already discovered, you don't save $4 by bringing your own 3D glasses to the theater. If you have the money to spend and go to 3D movies a lot, feel free to buy these. Let it also be known, however, that 3D glasses don't work as standard sunglasses. I'll let you decide if they're a smart investment.
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