A Filipino-made horror-fantasy movie about a man who is chosen by his dead uncle to battle the forces of evil. He fights a being called "The Prince of Magic," who shoots rays from his hands, makes heads spin around and hypnotizes people. He finally faces Satan himself and engages him in a battle of magic.
From IMDB:
The Killing Of Satan was the first recommendation by this clerk at a brand new offbeat video store in my neighborhood and I fell in love with the movie and the store after that. I told him I felt I had seen everything horror-wise that was good and that I had also seen all the so bad it's good horror/trash stuff - like Ed Wood, Al Adamson, Skip Milligan, Albert Pyun, etc. so they recommend this little opus and my pals and I were laughing our heads off - the special effects and acting are atrocious - the scene where a large boulder crushes someone is so inept and badly done that Wily Coyote would smirk - the boulder looks like a large wad of newspaper, the actor is out of position for the "boulder" to crush him so he literally flings himself in front of it and then after he is crushed they reveal the actor's head sticking up out of the ground and a paper doll outline of his body with some ketchup on it. After that, we were hooked. The fights are bad, the music is bad and yet there are also some really creepy things it - in fact, there was this mute cave boy that totally freaked out my friend - there are scenes with lots of real snakes - I mean, this is the Phillipines, I'm sure the film crew just hired some locals to bag snakes and they came back with tons - in one scene - the lead hero is just smashing and tying real live snakes in knots - the finale between Lando the hero and Satan himself has to be seen to be believed. The Killing Of Satan is an amazingly bad movie for lovers of great bad International cheese. (shark-43)
Language: English Dubbed
Rar Password: Torgo
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