Vampire Suck is a Movie to be Watched. it is a Spoof of Twilight Movies.
I now know what it is like to die. We are all going to Hell, because only in a world ruled by Satan and devoid of a kind and loving God could a movie like Vampires Suck exist.
To put it another way, this is not a very good movie. It’s an utterly toothless satire of Twilight and New Moon, and if that pun made you laugh, then you’re in luck – a large majority of the jokes in the movie are puns ripped straight from the pages of a knock-knock joke book for third graders. This replaces the duo’s former tropes of lame Michael Jackson jokes and Brangelina adoption references. This movie actually shows Friedberg and Seltzer breaking some new comedy ground by exchanging some of their old bad habits for new habits that are bad in completely different ways. For example, there isn’t a single midget to be found, and only one character gets farted on. Also gone are the parade of endless pop-culture references and characters from random movie trailers. These have been replaced by… absolutely nothing. Vampires Suck may very well be the first comedy ever made that consists almost entirely of characters walking between set-pieces, and occasionally driving between them. Most of this is in slow-motion. Not all has changed, though – the movie contains the absolutely staggering amount of fight sequences and totally pointless dance-offs that Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer are known for. In fact, the last fifteen minutes are almost entirely made up of alternating dancing and fighting scenes.
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