Description: In 1969 Wakamatsu directed ten films, including Go, Go, Second Time Virgin and the film I am about to review Violent Virgin or Gewalt! Gewalt: shojo geba-geba.
Filmed entirely in a desolate field, Violent Virgin opens with two cars traveling along a dusty road. Three men and three women, apparently members of a gang, have a couple bound and blindfolded. After they reach their demonstration, they drag the man and woman, whose names we soon learn are Hoshi and Hanako, out of the cars and dump them on the ground. It seems that Hanako was the boss's girl, but she eloped with Hoshi. Captured, it seems that they are going to be murdered, but not before they are humiliated by the other gang members. Their clothes are eventually stripped off and Hanako is tied to a cross. Hoshi is informed that the big boss has ordered that he be made into the "boss" for the day. The male members of the gang refer to Hoshi as "boss" and each of the female members intend to have sex with him before he is killed. However, Hoshi strangles the first prostitute and runs. After this, things really begin to become bizarre.
It would be too easy to call Violent Virgin a disturbing film. The quality of acting and the surreal setting of the setting keeps the viewer from being truly drawn into the film, but the film does touch on a number of issues that the viewer cannot help but ponder after the film, almost mercifully, comes to an end, such as the distinction between man and beast and how thin the wall separating the two might truly be. While I cannot recommend this film to the casual viewer of Japanese film, it might be an interesting film to view for those interested in Japanese New Wave films or those interested in a director who is often considered to be an outcast amongst outcasts.
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