Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pupi Avati - Regalo di Natale AKA Christmas Present (1986)



One of the most beautiful story of contemporary Italian cinema. Must see for the perfect and dramatic poker card game written by the greatest italian expert of card games Giovanni Bruzzi, that turned out the real personality of the players. At the end of the film, you will be surprised by a revelation. (IMDb)

It was fair that an actor of Carlo Delle Piane's greatness was recognized and treated as such by a director like Avati.Two of the actors that can be seen in Christmas Present give performances of an impressive metaphysical depth:it is utterly shocking.These two roles ( Santelia and Ugo) are better that almost any other roles on any screen;though,CDP gave a role as good in Graduation Party.Anyway,if you are interested in a couple of flawless performances watch Carlo Delle Piane and Gianni Cavina in Christmas Present;they both have amazingly nuanced and precise approaches,and very sharp and pure.CDP is matchless and absolutely stunning and astounding

A poker game gathers around the table five men:an erotically insatiable older man ( Santelia);a bald and Podgy man, slipshod and a slob ("Lele",a movie critic that talks about Ford,Alessandro Haber,that some of us consider a first-hand actor!);a handsome man that has a Nietzschean mustache ("Franco" Diego Abatantuono);Franco's former friend,"Ugo",an intelligent and somehow fascinating man:Gianni Cavina,a slick and ambiguous man;and lastly a bearded and spectacled fellow (the skilled and cool Luigi Montefiori ).This is almost the entire cast.Another character is "Martina" (Kristina Sevieri),a young woman that gives CDP the occasion to speak about her while he is playing cards.We are also shown,in a dreamy and bright light,scenes from Franco's marriage.

The most uncanny aspect of this movie,and the most shocking,is its sadism.Avati implicitly acknowledges that in silence one savors man's pain:this hidden,mute cruelty,the fact that one may find and indeed finds Franco's pain savory and secretly enjoyable.The fact is that Franco's debacle is savored and enjoyed by the viewer.

Avati has found the regard,the look of the greatest,of Maupassant and Schopenhauer:more profound, or deeper than reality itself.Avati's is the metaphysical regard cast upon the reality. (IMDb)


Audio Italian | Hardcoded English subtitles
no pass


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